It is generally said that February is the month when common frogs start to return to their ponds, breed and lay their spawn. This is due to better weather conditions and warmer temperatures. However, with an ever-warming climate, the Common Frog can breed as early as January.
Frogs are the first amphibian to start breeding with the Common Toad usually breeding from March, the Natterjack Toad in April and Pool Frog in May.
How to spot frogs and their spawn in your local pond? Make sure to keep an eye out for clumps of jelly-like eggs floating on the pond surface and they can lay up to 2000 eggs per year. Common Toad spawn, as stated above, is laid later than Common Frog spawn so it is unlikely you will see this in your pond until March. Toad spawn can be identified by the fact it is laid in strings usually wrapped around plants on and below the water rather than clumps on the surface.
If you do see any Common Frog spawn, Common Toad spawn or other amphibians or reptiles, make sure to let us know through Froglife’s free Dragon Finder app on the Google Play and Apple Store!