Written by Emma Byrne, Transforming Lives Trainee
2025 is the Year of the Snake according to the Chinese Zodiac. In light of this, let’s look at the three native snake species in the UK.
Adder – The UK’s Only Venomous Snake
The adder is the only venomous snake in the UK. This small, stocky species thrives in woodland, heathland, and moorland habitats. Females incubate their eggs and can give birth to as many as twenty live young! Adders hibernate starting in October and emerge in March to bask in the sun. Adders are easily recognized by their distinctive dark zig-zag pattern and red eyes. Males are more silvery-grey, while females are often lighter or reddish-brown. Although venomous, they are shy and prefer to avoid humans.
Grass Snake – Britain’s Longest Snake
Grass snakes can grow over a meter, making them the longest snake in the UK. They are typically grey or green and feature a yellow and black collar around their neck. As the only egg-laying snake in the UK, they can lay up to forty eggs in sheltered spots such as compost heaps. Grass snakes are commonly found in England and Wales, especially near garden ponds, where they feed on amphibians and fish.

Smooth Snake – A Rare Species
The smooth snake is rare, found only in a few sandy heathland areas in Dorset, Hampshire, and Surrey. This protected species is part of reintroduction programmes, aimed at preventing its extinction in Britain. Smooth snakes are ectothermic, basking in the sun and hibernating from October to April. Males compete for females, who give birth to between four and fifteen live young in September.

Throughout 2024, grass snakes have been spotted at our Boardwalks and Hampton reserves! If you visit one of our public reserves, keep an eye out this spring as they emerge from hibernation to bask in the sun!
Remember to report your sightings on our free Dragon Finder app.