After all the food, drink and excesses of Christmas comes a common pledge to change something for the better in the New Year.
As well as the usual promises, Froglife is encouraging people to take up volunteering in 2015.
Well, this year why not make a New Year’s resolution that will not only benefit you but also make a difference to your community by becoming a volunteer. The great thing about volunteering is that it’s so varied and flexible you can always find something to fit in with your lifestyle.
Vanessa Barber Froglife’s London Dragon Finder Project Manager said “Volunteering is about much more than just helping people or supporting worthy causes; it’s also about doing things you enjoy, meeting different people, increasing your skills – and having fun.”
Vanessa continues “Anyone can get involved with volunteering – whatever your interests, whatever your circumstances. Whether you have plenty of spare time or hardly any, we can find the right voluntary role for you.”
If your New Year’s resolution is to get more active or involved in your local community, Froglife has the perfect solution for you. Froglife is looking for volunteers to help us protect reptiles & amphibians; conserve and enhance their habitats and raise awareness in your local community.
Pria Ghosh London Dragon Finder Volunteer said “Through volunteering for Froglife I’ve learned practical skills for wildlife conservation as well an understanding of amphibian conservation in the UK, while meeting some really great and interesting people from all over London. It’s been so much fun, very rewarding and it helps our frogs!”
There are lots of different ways you could give your time to help us! We aim to make volunteering with us as fun and rewarding as possible, so that you get as much out of it as the wildlife you are helping.
You don’t always need knowledge or experience to get started, and we can often tailor volunteering posts around your needs and interests whether it be practical work digging ponds, helping our education team on a session or using your IT skills to help improve our web presence.
For more info please click here