Our London Blue Chain team will be restoring a pond for our amphibians and reptiles.
If you’d like to join them for a day of fresh air and physical activity, extra hands are always welcome!
Email rose.williams@froglife.org for more info.
Leaping forward for reptiles and amphibians
by Admin
Our London Blue Chain team will be restoring a pond for our amphibians and reptiles.
If you’d like to join them for a day of fresh air and physical activity, extra hands are always welcome!
Email rose.williams@froglife.org for more info.
by Admin
Written by Jade Walton, Transforming Lives Trainee
Autumn and winter are the perfect times to create your own wildlife pond in your garden. Whether big or small, a pond dedicated to wildlife can be hugely beneficial to the wildlife in your area.
To support amphibians, it is best that the pond you create is at least 2 metres in diameter to give them ample space for breeding. Shelves of different water depths are also beneficial to create habitats for a diverse range of pond invertebrates. However, do make sure part of your amphibian pond is at least 60cm deep to protect any future amphibian inhabitants from extreme temperatures.
The next step, once the pond is dug, is to use the appropriate liner. This could be made of rubber, clay, PVC, or you could use a preformed pond made of plastic or fibreglass. To fill your lined pond you could either wait for it to fill naturally with rain over the winter months, or use appropriately treated tap water.
After the pond has filled, you can either wait for it to naturally populate with plants, or you could plant it up yourself with specific local pond plant species to encourage our amphibian friends.
Then comes the wait. It is likely your pond will quickly become home to invertebrates such as water snails and beetle larvae, but it may take a little longer to attract amphibian populations. You may get lucky and have amphibians breed in your pond in the spring after its creation, but do not be disheartened if it takes a few years. Your pond has much value beyond being an amphibian breeding and hunting site. It will support a plethora of underwater invertebrates and will provide drinking water for your local mammal and bird populations.
Some frogs may overwinter at the bottom of the pond and so need some consistency of water temperature. Should your pond freeze over, it is advised to gently brush away any snow as this blocks out valuable sunlight used by your pond plants to create oxygen. This is the best way to prevent winterkill in frog populations. Be sure not to crack the ice with force, as this can cause harm to all pond inhabitants.
For a more detailed guide to pond creation, look to your Just Add Water guide downloadable on our website or available for purchase in the Froglife Shop.
Be sure to let us know how you get on!
by Admin
Written by Ellia Cobb: Transforming Lives Trainee
There has been a 50% decline in pond habitats in the UK over the past century, with 80% of those remaining being classified as either in ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’ condition. We can all do our bit to tackle this problem.
Wildlife ponds are amazing for wildlife, having a pond in your garden or greenspace is highly beneficial to all kinds of different species such as frogs, toads, newts and invertebrates. They provide a safe place for amphibians to feed, lay their spawn and raise their young as well as providing drinking and bathing water for other wildlife in the process.
Ponds don’t have to be perfect! Creating a pond can be a simple and fun activity and will add to the two thirds of support that garden ponds provide freshwater species already.
An effective way to create a pond suitable for amphibians and other species is to dig out and line your own, ensuring it is deep enough and sloped to allow wildlife to get in and out. It is important that the pond isn’t one depth and has shallow areas for amphibians to rest and deeper areas for hibernation. Ranges in depth are also great for planting a variety of vegetation. Planting different floating, marginal emergent and oxygenating plants will help your pond thrive and provide hiding places and egg-laying sites.
It is a good idea to use a durable pond liner so that your pond lasts many years. Be patient with your pond as it can take some time for wildlife to find them. They will not need much maintenance once finished.
You can find loads of advice in our Just Add Water booklet and on our Wildlife at Home web page on how to build ponds. Remember to send in your photos to info@froglife.org so we can share them on social media!
by Admin
The new Scottish Biodiversity Strategy offers a significant opportunity to restore Scotland’s ecosystems and reverse species declines. Our natural environment is in crisis, and we urgently need an ambitious new strategy with clear targets.
Freshwater ecosystems are essential for biodiversity, providing habitat for a wide array of aquatic species while also helping to reduce the impacts of major threats including climate change, flooding, chemical pollution, and noise pollution. The number of good quality freshwater habitats in the UK are dwindling, with many ponds being filled in to make room for development, being polluted by chemical run-off, or being lost due to poor management.
Froglife has been tackling this issue through the Fife Living Waters project. This one-year project worked on Cowdenbeath Wetland and Swan Pond Nature Reserve both located in Cowdenbeath. Cowdenbeath Wetland, despite its name, was no longer functioning as a wetland due to late succession. Swans Pond had one large open water body, but it lacks biodiversity. To restore Cowdenbeath to a functioning wetland, and to improve the biodiversity value of Swans Ponds, we created 111 new ponds, restored 10, and enhanced 12 terrestrial habitats across both sites.
Creating open water bodies accommodates breeding amphibians, particularly newts, as the males require open water to perform their courtship display. However, the water bodies are also valuable habitat for many other wildlife species, including invertebrates, plants, birds, and small mammals. The terrestrial habitat was created to facilitate amphibian migrations as well as providing habitats for reptiles.
Additionally, the project delivered public engagement activities reaching circa 21% of the population of Cowdenbeath:
Volunteer Training: 100 sessions, 1,030 attendees.
Community Engagement: 6 sessions, 154 attendees.
School & Group Sessions: 10 sessions, 180 participants
Business Team Building Days: 4 days, 29 attendees
Event – 4 events with 1,174 people
by Admin
Written by Roger Downie, Froglife and University of Glasgow
Froglife’s vision is of a world in which reptile and amphibian populations are flourishing as part of healthy ecosystems. One of the ways in which we work towards this overall aim is by transforming landscapes: increasing the availability of freshwater and terrestrial habitat suitable for amphibians and reptiles. Our ‘living water’ series of projects has addressed this by creating and repairing ponds around the UK. Producing habitats is the first part of the task, but we also need to assess how well these habitats perform in helping populations to grow. Our strategy commits us to evaluating project sites for up to 10 years after completion, with some remedial work possible if damage, such as vandalism is found.
What does the scientific literature tell us about the success of created ponds? Smith et al. (2020) reviewed 28 published studies from around the world, and concluded that pond creation is an effective, beneficial conservation action. Some of the studies concerned small numbers of ponds over a fairly short time, but others were much larger in scope e.g. a Danish study of 3446 ponds over 11 years. Now comes a major study from the Swiss canton of Aargau (Moor et al., 2022) published in the high-profile journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (PNAS).
Aargau, in the north of the country on the border with Germany, is one of the most densely populated and least hilly parts of Switzerland. Although about one-third wooded, it includes many small towns and an extensive road network with much agricultural land. Following concern about 30 years ago over the decline in amphibian populations (around the time of the creation of IUCN’s Declining Amphibian Populations Taskforce- DAPTF), a pond creation programme began in 1991 and continues. Moor et al. have analysed up to 20 years of data from 856 ponds, 422 of them constructed as part of the conservation programme. The canton is home to 12 species of pond-breeding amphibians (eight anurans and four newts). The authors note that these species differ in their characteristics: life history, habitat preference, and dispersal ability.
Across the whole canton, the number of ponds occupied by amphibians increased over the period 1999-2019 for 10 of the 12 species: the number remained pretty constant for the midwife toad and declined significantly only for the natterjack toad. Results differed between regions: essentially, the more ponds constructed in a region, the more metapopulations increased and the fewer declined (‘metapopulation’ here meaning the number of ponds occupied per species). The authors detected three mechanisms at play in the effects of new ponds on metapopulation sizes. First, the increased number of ponds increases breeding habitat, particularly benefitting mobile generalist species like the common toad. Second, the constant addition of new early succession stage ponds benefits pioneer species such as natterjack toads: they prefer shallow ponds with short hydroperiods, lacking vegetation and predators; it is likely that most of the constructed ponds lacked these features, and that older ponds were losing the features suitable for natterjacks, hence this species was the only one to show a decline across the canton. Third, increased pond density enhances connectivity, a particular benefit for species with low dispersal ability, like newts.
Although new ponds were rapidly colonised by several species, populations did not always persist. This could be the result of several factors, such as eventual colonisation by predators not initially present, or successional changes that made the new ponds less suitable for early colonisers. The only species where persistence probability was higher in new than in old ponds was the tree-frog, Hyla arborea: the reasons for this are not clear, but the result was a particularly sharp increase in metapopulation size across the study from <25 to over 75 sites. Several factors mattered for the success of new ponds: surface area and shape (most often, large pond size led to more species, but one species, the yellow-bellied toad Bombina variegata preferred smaller ponds; the type of surrounding habitat (some species had positive associations with surrounding forest, but natterjack toads and smooth newts preferred less forested surroundings); roads generally had negative effects on dispersal and colonisation.
The authors made the ‘encouraging conclusion’ that ‘no effort in pond construction is really wasted’. The continuous creation of new ponds helped amphibian populations to recover despite the persistence of threats like increasing urbanisation and associated roads, the presence of non-native fish and pathogens, and the effects of agrichemicals. However, there are caveats related to the particular circumstances of this study. The canton of Aargau is 37% forested, providing abundant habitat for amphibian dispersal and shelter; contrast this with the UK at 13% (England even less at 10%). The range of species in Aargau is quite large, with their range of needs being diverse enough that different kinds of ponds can be suitable for some if not all. The authors comment particularly that pond creation in the tropics may have limited value, since so many species are not pond breeders.
Finally, the authors note that it was crucial to the success reported in their study that the authorities in Aargau responded quickly to the evidence of amphibian declines by enabling a long-term pond creation programme with associated monitoring. Froglife has often been able to find funding for pond creation projects in particular areas, but funding the monitoring has been more difficult, and persuading authorities (and funders) to think of pond creation as long-term commitment is more difficult still.
Moor, H. et al. (2022). Bending the curve: simple but massive conservation action leads to landscape-scale recovery of amphibians. PNAS 119, e2123070119.
Smith, R.K. et al. (2020). Amphibian Conservation. Ps 9-64, in: Sutherland, W.J. et al. (eds.) What works in conservation 2020. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, UK.
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