Written by Elsbeth Leighton, Coalface to Wildspace Project Assistant
The salamanders, or Caudata, are one of the three classes of animals that make up the Amphibians, alongside the Gymnophiona; the worm-like caecilians, and the Anura; the frogs and toads. The salamanders are the second largest group, after the Anura, comprised of over 800 known species. These species are split into 9 main families, with diverse traits and life histories (1).
Gaps in the amphibian fossil record make determining the exact evolutionary relationships between groups challenging and debated. However, it is generally agreed that there are three more basal, i.e. more ancient, families and the rest are younger and form a suborder called the Salamandroidea, otherwise called the advanced salamanders (2). A key difference between the ancient families and the younger families is in their reproduction. The ancient families fertilise their eggs externally, and the younger families fertilise them internally (3).
The Cryptobranchidae, commonly called the Giant Salamanders, is one of the ancient families and has 6 known living species (1). They live fully aquatic lifestyles as paedomorphic adults, meaning that they keep key features into adulthood that are usually seen in larval states. These features include their gill slits and their lack of eyelids (4). These are considered basal traits, along with their feeding behaviour. They are suction feeders, whose specialised jaw anatomy enables them to grab prey from one side of their mouth at a time (5). Well-known examples from this family include the giant Japanese salamander and the giant Chinese salamander, which can both grow over 100cm (6).
The Hynobiidae, or the Asian Salamanders, branched from the same common ancestor as the Cryptobranchidae (2). They have 100 known species, distributed across Asia and Russia (1). Unlike the Cryptobranchidae, these salamanders live biphasic life cycles, where they fully metamorphose from aquatic larvae into terrestrial or aquatic adults without gills (4).
The Sirenidae, or the Sirens, are unique ancient salamanders that lack back legs entirely and only have small front legs. They have long bodies and external gills, suited to their fully aquatic lifestyles (4). All seven known living species are found in the southeastern USA and northeastern Mexico (1). Interestingly, some siren species eat plants and are omnivorous, whereas all other salamanders are generally believed to be carnivorous (7).
The Ambystomatidae are part of the advanced salamanders and consist of 30 living species (1). They are commonly called mole salamanders because many of these species live a fossorial lifestyle in underground terrestrial burrows, only emerging at nighttime to feed. This is not the case for all species in this family, however, as it also includes aquatic paedomorphic species, such as the famous axolotl (4). The 4 species of Dicamptodon or Pacific Giant Salamanders, are also grouped into this family, having previously been considered a separate group (1).
The Salamandridae, or the true salamanders and newts, includes our UK native newts and is a large group with 144 species (1). They are found across Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and America and are the only family where some species reproduce viviparously. This means that they give birth to live young as aquatic larvae or fully formed terrestrial young, instead of laying eggs (8). The newts are found in the subfamily Pleurodelinae and can have two (biphasic) or three (triphasic) stage life cycles (4). Triphasic life cycles are unique to the newt and are seen in species such as the Eastern Newt, which develops from aquatic larvae into terrestrial juveniles before returning to the water again as aquatic adults (9).
The Proteidae are a small group, with only 9 species (1). They have long bodies and small limbs, living fully aquatic life cycles as paedomorphs who keep their external gills into adulthood. They include the mudpuppies from North America as well as the Olm, a blind cave-dwelling salamander from Europe (4). The Olm is a unique species and is thought to be the longest-lived salamander with a potential lifespan of over 100 years (10). There has been some confusion around how Olms reproduce and if they give birth to live young, partially due to the challenges their habitat presents for study, but the current understanding is that they lay eggs (11).
The Rhyacotritonidae or torrent salamanders are another small group with only 4 species (1). They live a biphasic lifestyle and are semi-aquatic as adults, adapted to live alongside the edge of fast-flowing waterbodies such as streams. To adapt to these environments, their larvae have developed smaller gills to suit the fast-flowing water (4). They live in the Northwestern USA and are strongly associated with intact humid forests, as damage to this habitat limits their ability to disperse (12).
The Amphiumidae or amphiumas are fully aquatic paedomorphic salamanders with gill slits and absent eyelids as adults. They have very small limbs, but unlike the sirens who only have front limbs, they have all four limbs (4). There are 3 known species living today, all of which are restricted to the Southeastern USA (1).
The final family, the Plethodontidae is the biggest group with 520 known species (1). They are known as the lungless salamanders because they evolved to lose their lungs and instead breathe entirely through their skin and a patch at the back of their throat containing a special protein (13). They are a very diverse group, occurring in a range of habitats mostly within the Americas, but some species are also known from Southern Europe and Korea (1). They display very varied reproduction, but the most common and ancestral method is direct development, where the larval stage is skipped entirely to produce fully developed terrestrial young from eggs. However, some species have re-evolved the ability to have aquatic larvae and lead biphasic lifestyles or are paedomorphic (8, 14).
- Frost, D. R., 2024. Amphibian Species of the World: an online reference. Version 6.2 (15.07.2024). Electronic Database accessible at https://amphibiansoftheworld.amnh.org/index.php. American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA.
- Pyron, R. A., John J. Wiens, J. J., 2011. A large-scale phylogeny of Amphibia including over 2800 species, and a revised classification of extant frogs, salamanders, and caecilians, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Volume 61, Issue 2, Pages 543-583,ISSN 1055-7903, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2011.06.012.
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- Emel, S.L., Olson, D. H., Knowles, L. L. et al. Comparative landscape genetics of two endemic torrent salamander species, Rhyacotriton kezeriand R. variegatus: implications for forest management and species conservation. Conservation Genetics. 20, 801–815, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10592-019-01172-6
- Lewis, Z. R., Dorantes, J. A., and Hanken, J., 2018. Expression of a novel surfactant protein gene is associated with sites of extrapulmonary respiration in a lungless salamander. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 28520181589 http://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2018.1589
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