Our Neighbourhood Wildlife Corridors allowed residents to get involved to create a great space for wildlife in their garden or local green space. Creating even small features for wildlife that connect gardens to country parks and nature reserves is key in keeping our amphibian and reptile populations safe. We engaged with 29,008 members of the local community through our 8 Neighbourhood Wildlife Corridors.
We are excited to continue offering our developed app – The Wildlife Pond Visualiser and Wildlife Pond Idea Zone – helping your garden become wildlife friendly! For more information- click here!
Our FREE Garden Guardians booklet is now available! The booklet can help you create a wildlife friendly neighbourhood in your garden and beyond.
You can view the Garden Guardian booklet online for free by clicking the image below!
We were very busy throughout 2019-21 in our Falkirk Neighbourhood Wildlife Corridors with works to create new ponds, restore ponds and create terrestrial habitats across Falkirk Town Centre and Callendar Park, Middlefield, Grahamston and Hallglen and Glen Village. This includes restoration of the loch at Callendar Park – which was central to our corridor and pond creation at Hallglen Policy Bing and The Helix. In addition Come Forth for Wildlife ran numerous events in Falkirk during this time.

In 2021-22 Come Forth for Wildlife ran further activities in the Stirling neighbourhoods – Raploch, Cornton and Stirling – including the restoration of Raploch SUDS ponds, pond creation on a large scale at Kildean Wetlands and events and activities nearby.

Throughout 2022 / 2023 Tullibody was our Neighbourhood Wildlife Corridor in Clackmannanshire – with events, workshops and connected habitat creation. We delivered a Wildlife Gardening Workshop at Tullibody Community Garden and a Pond Doctor event at the Delph Pond Spring Event helping to give advice on pond creation which will lead to more wildlife ponds in nearby gardens. Local promotions were ongoing in 2022 to promote the free Garden Guardians booklet to Tullibody and let local people know what wildlife friendly features they can easily install in their gardens and green spaces!