What should lizards be doing in winter?
Quick answer
Hibernating out of harms way while it’s very cold.
Further information
Lizards spend the winter tucked away to avoid the cold weather. They may choose places like compost heaps, log piles and rockeries in order to do this.
Like all reptiles, a lizard’s behaviour is very much dependent on the weather so don’t be surprised if they’re not doing what they’re ‘supposed’ to! You may well see lizards emerging in January/February if it’s mild.
What should lizards be doing in spring?
Quick answer
Emerging from hibernation and looking for a mate.
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Once the weather starts to get milder, lizards and other reptiles will start to emerge from hibernation. They are particularly sluggish at this time of year so it’s a good time to spot them as they bask in the spring sunshine.
Common Lizards start breeding in around April; Slow-Worms and Sand Lizards breed in April/May.
What should lizards be doing in summer?
Quick answer
Summer is the time for baby lizards!
Further information
During late summer Common Lizards and Slow-Worms ‘give birth’ to their young. The females incubate the eggs inside themselves rather than laying them externally. Juvenile Common Lizards can be as little as an inch long and are usually quite black in colour. Baby Slow-Worms are around two inches long and very thin; they’re black underneath and gold on top with a black stripe running down the back.
Sand Lizards lay their eggs in May/June; they bury them in sand which is exposed to the sun so the eggs can reach the right temperature. Juvenile lizards emerge from August onward.
Adults may still be seen in early mornings or late evenings, but the heat of a summers day is too much for most lizards and they will seek shelter.
What should lizards be doing in autumn?
Quick answer
Late hatchlings are emerging and lizards prepare for winter.
Further information
Autumn may still see some Common Lizards and Slow-Worms ‘giving birth’. Sand Lizard eggs may continue to hatch until October.
Adults feed up on insects, slugs and spiders in preparation for winter.