- Log in as usual to the Toads on Roads Portal
- In the left-hand panel, click ‘Reports’
- Click ‘My Reports’
- At the very top, click ‘New Report’ (fig.1)
- On the next page, you can either add a report for the day, or the entire year. Choose this via the options at the top of the page (fig.2)
- Add all the details requested and don’t forget to click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the record!
If you want to submit a more detailed report i.e. adding toads by sex or whether they are arriving or leaving, you can turn the options on by clicking ‘My Details’ in the left-hand panel, clicking the ‘Optional settings for reporting toads’ tab and choosing the options you wish to report (fig 3.)
Remember to click save after choosing your options!
PLEASE NOTE: Most Patrols are used to uploading their data annually and this is absolutely fine. Froglife DO NOT expect all patrols to submit nightly data reports. The option is there if Patrollers wish to upload their data straight after their patrol and not have to send it to their Patrol Manager. Nightly data reports are also useful to the Patrollers and the Patrol Manager for further insight.