Froglife’s Sheffield Living Waters Project is running a series of free training courses this year.
Aimed at volunteers and enthusiasts, the first confirmed course is “Amphibian Identification and Survey techniques”, which also includes habitat management tips.
Date: The first one is coming up fast on Tuesday the 11th of March 2014
Location: Ecclesall Woods, Sawmill, Sheffield, S7 2QZ
Start time: 11:30 – Finish time 18:30/18:45
What to bring: Bring a packed lunch, waterproofs and wellies, layers are recommended, a head torch if you have one, plus pen and paper.
Likely species: the site supports newts, frogs and toad species, so we have a chance of seeing any of these if the survey conditions are right.
Spaces: limited to 12. Please email by Monday the 10th at 3pm.
To book your place: book your free place by emailing Nathan on