Between 2014 and 2018, Froglife carried out camera monitoring in two tunnels at a new development in the north of England. Prior to development, the site contained several great crested breeding ponds. As part of mitigation during development of the site into a shopping complex, multiple new receptor ponds were created along with additional water management ponds. To aid in dispersal of great crested newts and other amphibian species between the ponds, four tunnels were installed on either side of a main road (Figure 1).

Image adapted from: Jarvis, L.E., Hartup, M. & Petrovan, S.O. (2019) Road mitigation using tunnels and fences promotes site connectivity and population expansion for a protected amphibian. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 65:27-38.
Froglife developed two unique time lapse cameras (Figure 2), with LEDs to allow continuous 24-hour recording of activity in the tunnels. The cameras were set to record during two monitoring periods, spring and autumn, each year over the five year period. The aim was to determine the success of the tunnels for great crested newts as well as common toads, frogs and smooth newts which also occurred on the site.

Over the five years we recorded five species of amphibian moving through tunnels (Figure 3):
- 243 adult great crested newts
- 322 juvenile great crested newts
- 67 adult smooth newts, 161 juvenile smooth newts
- 69 adult common frogs
- 189 common toads

Image adapted from: Jarvis, L.E., Hartup, M. & Petrovan, S.O. (2019) Road mitigation using tunnels and fences promotes site connectivity and population expansion for a protected amphibian. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 65:27-38.
On average, 74% of adult great crested newts made a complete journey through the tunnels, with the remainder turning around and exiting through the same entrance. Results were similar for other amphibian species (Figure 4). In addition, population modelling of newts in the surrounding ponds indicated a significant increase in population size over the monitoring period. This is encouraging and demonstrates that at this site the tunnels were successful in promoting population expansion and movement of great crested newts and other species.

For full details and results please see our research paper at:
Sign our petition: Give Wildlife the Green Light – Build Wildlife Tunnels to save the Common Toad