Written by Chloe Davey: Transforming Lives Trainee
As we venture closer and closer toward the new year, we are given a chance to reflect on our journey of the year we shall soon be leaving behind. Through good times and bad, there have been accomplishments made along the way and downfalls to overcome. With the hope of a new year around the corner, it gives us an opportunity to set up new goals and think about what we would like to achieve or change for the better. Allow me to share my journey through 2023, what I’ve learnt and a preview of my intentions for the upcoming year.

In 2023 I started off my journey being rather disappointed. I’d been trying to find work since I left college back in 2017. I had a few temporary positions, spent a lot of time volunteering in different establishments and received little to no response from every job I had applied for. Not letting the disappointment consume me, I continued to hold out hope. This year had to be the one- I desperately wanted to find my calling. With a developing confidence I began attending job fairs. It wasn’t until my third attempt, I finally found what I was looking for. Froglife, what’s that? I had a wonderful conversation with their Reserve Warden, as she spoke I felt a connection. A spark. This was it…this was my calling!
I’ve always had a passion for nature and animals. The Transforming Lives traineeship has been the perfect opportunity I’d been hoping for. I get to train for a job that I truly love and want to do. I’ve learnt so much in only six months, how to identify native species and to survey and maintain habitats. I joined an amazing, team of other trainees that are supportive and I can share a good laugh with. I’ve developed confidence and have grown so much as a person. When the traineeship eventually comes to an end, I look forward to exploring the new opportunities that await me.

It goes to show that you should never underestimate the power of hope as it can lead you to better paths and opportunities. No matter how 2023 may have treated you, I hope there will be many wonderful adventures and opportunities come your way this year.
Happy New Year, everyone!