Written by Nathan Gardner, Transforming Lives Trainee
December 5th is World Soil Day!
World Soil Day was designated by the United Nations, as recommended by the International Union of Soil Sciences, as a day dedicated to raising awareness and recognizing the importance that healthy soil plays in sustainable life.
The relationship between soil and water is incredibly co-dependent, with healthy soil promoting water infiltration and retention, which then provides the foundation for efficient food production and ecosystems. The domino effect that leads to a healthy ecosystem starts (literally!) from the ground up; nutrient-rich soil allows for cleaner ponds that are home to a diverse range of invertebrates that are predated on by amphibians who are then predated by reptiles.
Froglife urges our readers to recognize and help spread awareness of the impact that soil degradation is having upon our native amphibians and reptiles. If not for healthy soil, the ecosystem that our native amphibians and reptiles rely on would suffer greatly, and, as we witness populations drastically decline over previous years, they are already at risk. Habitat loss, from woodland destruction to water polluted by waste, is the most prominent risk that all native wildlife species face. We can all take the day to spread this message and keep our native wildlife in mind when taking actions to improve the quality of British soil.
Please visit the information page on the United Nations website at: www.un.org/en/observances/world-soil-day to get fully informed and access the list of available initiatives and activities.