Inspired by Nature is a new themed Croak to entertain you with some of my own and my favourite famous poems written about nature and the outdoors. I hope it will stimulate you to get creative with words and write something yourself. If you do and would like to share them with us, please post them on our facebook page.
Becca (Conservation Youth Worker: Green Pathways Project).
Everyone loves a limerick, but have you ever tried to write one yourself?
I attend a weekly creative writing class. One week, I had not done any homework and knocked these out after work to ensure I had something to hand in! I love being outdoors, so everything I wrote is true (except now I have my own handsome man and so obviously, only love that one!).
A limerick is a short funny poem with 5 lines where the first, second and fifth lines rhyme and the third and forth rhyme (in literary terms, this is described as the rhyme scheme AABBA). They are often rude and nonsense. The first line usually introduces a character and a place. There are complicated ways to talk about the rhythm which uses words like feet, syllables and meter but basically it goes like this:
da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
Here are mine:
There once was a girl in the fens
Who took teenagers out to build dens
She wrote poetry for fun
Read short stories she’s done
As they always contain handsome men
There once was a wildlife nerd
Whose specialist subject was birds
She also liked badgers
And searching for adders
And loved handsome men, so I’ve heard
What you can do:
Why not have a go yourself, perhaps inspired by a walk on your local nature reserve or watching the birds with your kids ? Please don’t share the really rude ones, but any that you would read to your mother we would love to see on our facebook page.