Written by Amy Stocking, Leaping Forward for Dementia Project Manager

Even when it is cold outside, it is still really beneficial to get outside for your physical and mental wellbeing.
Light levels (measured in lux) are lower in Winter but you can still access 2000 lux on an overcast day, compared to 500 lux from sitting indoors! Lux will help to stimulate the production of serotonin which boosts your mood.
A great way to top up your serotonin is to wrap up warm and keep moving by joining a guided walk. Our Leaping Forward for Dementia group in London recently enjoyed a geology walk around Streatham Common led by Dr. Iain Boulton from Lambeth Council. He gave a fascinating insight into the ground beneath us and how the council are using this knowledge to inform how they look after the local environment, decide where to plant trees and decide where to create wetland areas to help the local amphibian population.
The group loved looking at geology maps of South London and asking lots of questions. Thank you so much for your time Dr. Iain!
Written by Madeleine Barnes, Transforming Lives Trainee.
Going for a wander outside might not be first on your list of activities in the colder months, but don’t dismiss the idea! The world is just as beautiful in the winter as in any other season if you take the time to appreciate it – leafless trees allow grander views of the land, snow blanketing everything in pristine white, and you can still see plenty of animals going about their lives.
The Festival of Winter Walks is an event that runs from mid December to mid January, established three decades ago by the Ramblers, a charity dedicated to supporting all kinds of walkers and protecting our rights to access the countryside and the pathways linking amazing places.
The festival encourages community connection and appreciation of the amazing spaces available to us – plus, even a short walk outside in nature will provide a much needed reprieve from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
So, head outside! Join a local group walk, take family and friends, or have a solo adventure. Whether it’s somewhere new or somewhere familiar, share your winter experience with us on social media, and if you live in the Peterborough area consider visiting one of Froglife’s public reserves: Boardwalks in the city centre and Eye Green just north of Eye village.
Happy rambling!