With Spring in the air April is the time our reptiles start to woo their mates. After emerging from brumation around March, they are ready to mate as the weather starts to warm up. This will continue into May.
The territorial adder dances a duel to compete for females this month. These females, like most of the UK’s reptiles, give birth to ‘live young’. The eggs have been incubated internally and this process is called Viviparity. This method of producing young protects the developing eggs from predation, disturbance or just getting too cold in our climate to survive. Only Grass snakes and sand lizards lay eggs. The sand lizard lay their eggs under a sunny patch of sand and the grass snake in rotting vegetation like a compost heap that creates heat during decomposition.
During April, May and September our reptiles are at their most active so now is the time to see them out and about. Early morning basking as they top up their temperature for a day of hunting ahead is a good time for spotting. Check out sunny spots that are sheltered from the wind. If you do spot anything report this on our make sure to let us know through Froglife’s free Dragon Finder app on Google Play and Apple Store!