Week 1
Monday 10th July
I did research on all kinds of pond life and allotment related subjects which I then used to create a sign on why ponds are helpful in an allotment. These signs will be placed in the allotment so other users will consider making a pond in their plot. I also then went on to do, in the afternoon, some research on interesting facts about frogs, toads, lizards, snakes and newts that will be used on social media as “Did You Know?” facts.
Tuesday 11th July
I started out this day helping out with some indoor decorating. I helped to paint a wall with Stuart by painting another coat of blackboard paint and I helped to strip down the sealant which was poorly put in by the previous worker. Then I went out to B&Q to help buy a new sealant that will be used in the future. Later on in the day I went out with Gail to the Froglife allotment where Gail does a scheme of helping vulnerable and disadvantaged children by letting them interact with the environment. We made willow spirals, painted flowerpot men, cut poles for bee houses and did some watering of the plants. The children looked like they benefited greatly from this scheme and they all looked like they had fun. Gail then dropped by for a 1 to 1 meeting on the way back to the Froglife headquarters.
Wednesday 12th July
I spent all of today in the office. I corrected books by sticking over the address, as these books were published in 2011, and then I helped Marie shred some documents. In the afternoon I made a word search and a crossword for a new magazine by Froglife all about reptiles. I also made a dot to dot using publisher.
Thursday 13th July
I spent the morning out at the Nature Reserve doing a Reptile Survey. I saw lots of reptiles like Adders, Grass Snakes, slow worms and Lizards. One of the Adders, which was gravid (pregnant), lifted its head at us and hissed. We also encountered an Emperor Dragonfly on our travels. In the afternoon I put together a toad colouring book and cut out toad masks.
Friday 14th July
This morning I used my time to finish off some of the toad masks. I also spell checked the Froglife website, helped around the office and went out to check up on ponds. We went to Nene Park where we found that most of the ponds had dried up because there was not enough rain. Also in Ferry Meadows one of the waterbodies had become full of blue-green algae.
Week 2
Monday 17th July
This morning we went to Castor to clear a pond out from willow and other vegetation which was over growing. We did this for most of the day. Later on in the day we went to the Nature Reserve to have a look around. We saw lots of adders and other things:
Tuesday 18th July
All day I was helping out with a huge pond. We made it a bit bigger and we cleaned it out so it would be free from stones and mud, this was so we could start placing felt. We then covered the felt in pond liner to keep the water in. We added another layer of felt. We then put soil back in to the pond along with water.
Wednesday 19th July
Today I went to Boardwalks and The Green Backyard. At Boardwalks we made a Geocache for a party that will take place there, we also did a butterfly survey during which we saw many butterflies such as Gatekeepers and even a red admiral. There was also a pack of 10 cygnets and a baby frog and 2 kingfishers. After we finished up at Boardwalks we went to The Green Backyard. In The Green Backyard we did a spot of pond dipping. I found a baby newt, some dragonfly nymphs and many more creatures.
Thursday 20th July
Today was my last day. I made a box in the morning a and I made an instruction manual for the GPS Device that will be used for geocaching. I also made clues for the Geocache trail, they included pictures of the areas. Then I uploaded this blog onto the website along with a In the Spotlight article for the Dragon Finder Newsletter.